
So I am New to Setting Up Profile Activities

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  4. So I am New to Setting Up Profile Activities

For those members new to setting up profiling activities it is highly recommended that the GSI team be asked to review the setup of a new profiling activity before it is launched.
Below sets out the key stages of the setup and operation of a new profiling activity:

  • Determine agreed timelines for:
    – activity start
    – activity end
    – feedback of results (add in time for hard copy process)
  • If hard copy then identify process for:
    – printing
    – distribution (and protection of anonymity)
    – collection
    – uploading of data into GSI system / transport to GSI for processing
  • Setup Online Profiling Activity including:
    – Organisational Segmentation (org chart)
    – Filters (see custom filters)
    – Custom Questions
  • Ensure the downloaded participant csv template is not altered and that location codes are entered exactly as they are entered in the organisational map
  • Conduct an online ‘test’ of member’s internal IT system (including different browser versions if applicable) and ensure the member’s IT department are aware of the survey so they can ensure emails will not be blocked or assigned to SPAM.
    A test of the survey should also be conducted to ensure that filters and custom questions are as prescribed. *NOTE* do not click complete at the end of the ‘test survey’ as the answers will then be recorded in the live activity. As always if in doubt please seek guidance from GSI Operations.
  • Ensure any hard copy survey entirely consistent with the online version
  • Use template to create hard copy internal, GSI approval, Client sign-off
  • If all confirmed as correct send out surveys (online and hard copy)
  • Monitor online performance (notify ID)
  • bounced emails
  • send reminders
  • Monitor hard copy distribution & collection
  • Create hard copy data collection excel sheet (from template)
  • Collect hard copy surveys, enter data using data collection excel sheet or enter data straight into the online records, and integrate with online data
  • Close profiling activity
  • Access online and offline reports